Hi, bitches🤙🏿 Did you like my previous tips❓Doesn`t matter😜 because here we go again with our wise advice📜 6️⃣ If you want to visit many interesting places not falling behind your schedule🆗 you should think your route over in advance🤔 7️⃣ Don`t read too much about the place you are going to visit📖 don`t search for too many pictures👀 or you will not be interested but rather upset by your trip☹️ 8️⃣ While making your shots don`t copy the angles of famous bloggers📛 We have already seen these pictures – make something new🆕 lazy ass😉 9️⃣ You have already taken your pictures🤳✔️ Don`t post it right away❌ you have to edit them🔮 Try special apps or programs🕹 Here are some of my favourite: Snapseed, VSCO, Polarr, Photoshop💡 1️⃣0️⃣ Think of an interesting caption to put under your picture✍🏻 Don`t use Wikipedia🚫 just listen👂🏻 watch👁 record your feelings and write from your heart (shoutout to mutko_official)🤙🏿 A little joke never killed nobody🤩 1️⃣1️⃣ Stay positive🥳 smile if you want local people to treat you the same way🤜🏻🤛🏻 . Good luck & travel more, asshole🤓 . Перевод в комментах📝 . . #traveltips #moscowoblast #московскаяобласть #экотуризм #ecotourism #russia #россия #wimadventures #travelblogger #traveller #travelphotography #travelphoto #tourism #traveltotheworld #traveltothehorizon #worldpics #worldpicsmagazine #traverseearth #unitetravelers #inmagicalworld #pinaswonders #zendestination

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